Monday, September 15, 2008

Victoria Peak - Mid Autumn Festival Tour 2008

September 15, 2008 (Monday)

信不信由你,都中秋節啦,竟然仲34度,山頂果度連 D 狗仔都熱到伸埋條脷出來.

The day after Mid Autumn Festival is a public holiday.
We went to the Victoria Peak to have some fun - 34 degree.
Isn't it really mid Autumn?

Enjoy air-con at the Peak Galleria is a good idea.

結果去咗L16 食泰國餐,入到去至知原來同埋采蝶軒一黨.
我在太古廣場的采蝶軒吃過 junk food,
Junk food at Zen/L16, lousy, messy, expensive, no air-con, poor service...
Wonderful tea set at the Orchid Restaurant at Tin Lok Lane

Shouffle usually costs $28. Tea time sells at $25 with free drink.
Very good deal, very yummy and very happy.
Hong Kong Outing - Post Mid Autumn Peak Tour

Mid Autumn Festival 2008 - Family Dinner

September 12, 2008 (Friday)


Family dinner at 悅滿樓,HK$2888, all inclusive
睇吓 close up 先,呢三仔爺 D 神情好似一樣
呢四仔/女爺又如何 ?
前面兩母女,後面兩姊妹,似吾似樣 ?
Hong Kong Outing - Mid Autumn Festival 2008

Monday, September 8, 2008

Eat African Chicken in Memory of Ellen



Today is my 25th anniversary of being stucked in Macau. It was Typhoon Ellen's visit in September 8-9, 1983. In Hotel Presidente, I lined up and waited for half a day only for an African Chicken dinner box under typhoon signal no. 10 which lasted 18 hours.

It is not easy to find African Chicken to eat in Hong Kong. But I still manage to find one. Together with beef tail consumme and a soffle, my typhoon memorial dinner is very delicious.

好好食的非洲鷄,我當年連鷄骨都 dep了半個鐘頭
大大個,好誇張,好漂亮,好好味的梳乎里! HK$28
Hong Kong Outing - Portuguese Dinner

Sunday, September 7, 2008


Stucked in Macua Silver Jubilee - September 8-9, 1983


Tomorrow is the 25th anniversary of one of my most unforgettable events - stucked in Macau under Typhoon No. 10 - Ellen, one of the most severe typhoons ever visited Hong Kong and Macau.

1983年9月8日清早掛了3號風球,但我在香港長大,打風見慣見熟,所以如常去澳門上班,到下午掛了8號風球,上了水翼船仍是無法回家,急忙趕到當時新開的總統酒店暫避.因酒店無法接待特而其來的大量滯留旅客,長途電話接不通,与家人失去聯絡 (手提電話尚未發明),又要捱肚餓(我當年肚子冇病,食量很大),似難民般(其實真的是難民)輪候了大半天才買得一個非洲鷄飯盒,連骨頭都 dep 了半個鐘頭,那事件告訴我天災之前人人平等.即使澳督在場,亦要捱餓.原來‘食’不是與生俱來的權利,此役之後,令我更加珍惜食物.

From 1982-1984, Rank Xerox seconded me to sell copiers in Macau which required me to travel to Macau daily. When signal No.8 was up on that Thursday afternoon of September 8, 1983, ferries suspended service immediately. Without any preparation, I had to rush to Hotel Presidente as a refugee of typhoon Ellen. No food, no communications with my family in Hong Kong (mobile phone was not invented yet), loniness - a complete unpleasent experience. Lined up for half a day and only managed to buy an African Chicken dinner box, without any choice. That made me truly understand that food is precious and we shouldn't waste any of them in our life.


People usually love seaview rooms. But the seaview under typhoon signal no.10 was terrible. In 1983, Hotel Presidente was just at the seaside. Tidal wave flooded the whole hotel lobby. I was wondering if I were really save inside that hotel.


For some reason, I thought Ellen's signal no.10 lasted 18 hours, but recent research shows it was 8. Anyway, being stucked in Macau was a totally unpleasant and unforgettable experience.


1983 癸亥猪年-“愛倫” -襲港澳事件部

1983年9月9日颱風“愛倫” -襲澳事件部


1983年9月9日颱風“愛倫” - 襲港事件部
Thursday Sept 8, 0745 – Signal No.3
Thursday Sept 8, 1445 – Signal No.8 - Anna stucked in Macau
Friday Sept 9, 0100 – Signal No.9 - Anna stucked in Macau
Friday Sept 9, 0200 – Signal No.10 - Anna stucked in Macau
Friday Sept 9, 1000 – Signal No.8 - Anna stucked in Macau
Friday Sept 9, 1737 – Signal No.3

本港10號風球 歷史

想吾想睇吓我1983年個樣 ?
當年我在澳門蘭克斯樂賣影印機,時為 1982-1984
Want to see how I look like in 1983?
Selling copiers at Rank Xerox showroom, Macau

Went back to Macau for holiday! A bit crazy !

攝於美國 Hawaii, 時為1983年復活節. 相片年代久遠,經歷1/4個世紀,失真難免
Hong Kong Outing - Typhoon