Sunday, May 3, 2009

香港古蹟遊 - 甘棠第

甘棠第 - 我畢業於何東中學,所以對這地方有特別的好奇,只因業主何甘棠是何東的弟弟。1914年落成於半山衛城道,時值港幣三十萬。戰前這數目是天價,2002年易手時為五千三百萬。現時改建為孫中山先生博物館。適逢有宋慶齡展覽,所以襯五一假期來此一遊。Kom Tong Hall - a 90-year old heritage building originally owned by Mr Ho Kom Tong, younger brother of Sir Ho Tung. I graduated from Ho Tung Secondary School, so I am keen to learn more about this place. Build in 1914 at the cost of HK$300,000, an incredible high price at pre-war period. It was sold in 2002 at the price of HK$53 million. Now become the a Memorial Museum of Dr. Sun Yat Sin. A theme exhibition is held recently about his wife Lady Soong Ching Ling. 豪宅即是豪宅,不來這裏,很難想像有錢人的家是怎樣的。大廰的火爐是西式的,而且金碧輝煌;Very nice interior design, combined with western and Chinese style.
條走廊都不同凡响。話說當年這裏有無敵海景,不過滄海桑田,此情不再。The corridor / balcony used to have unobstructed seaview.
孫中山先生的銅像就在花園。但這花園原來是僕人出入的地方,主人是用正門的。展覽和大宅本身都是珍貴的文物,值得一遊。The statue of Dr. Sun Yat Sun is located at the garden.
Transportation: Central Escalator to Caine Road, walk a few minutes.
Admission: Adult HK$10, Senior/full time students HK$5
Free Admission: Wednesday, November 12 (Dr Sun's birth) and March 12 (Dr Sun's death)
Hong Kong Heritage Tour - Kom Tong Hall

1 comment:

Fun Fun said...

I really like your Blog.
I am coming to HK soon.

fennyfunfun from Toronto