Friday, November 12, 2010

Anna Swimming

又到咗做運動的時間. 秋高氣爽, 時為11月, 序屬深秋, 難得香港有幾日如此好天, 想話唔影番幾張相留念都唔得.

出發啦, 擺番個POST先. 嘩, 好似都幾好姿勢.
雖然冇奧運選手咁水花四濺, 都算過得去.

回程又擺番個POST, 拜拜!

Hong Kong Outing - Anna Swimming


Yanto said...

Hi Anna,
Me & My Family (Wife+2 Kids age 7 & 14) will be travelling to HK in Dec 2010 for 4 days. Please she dus some light on the best itenary, also we need info on octopus card that we can use from/to airport & elsewhere. Place of interest we want to go are : Avenue of the Stars, Disneyland, Ocean Park, The Peak, Macau Day Trip, Repulse Bay etc...too many not sure we have time lol...we will stay at Nathan Rd,Kowloon
Your reply / guidance would be appreciated. Regards - Yanto & Joyce

Anna Maria D'Souza said...

Hi Yanto
You've listed all the best places in Hong Kong - your plan is really good. I'm sure you must have enough time to do them all. Be sure to enjoy some good foods. You can find some Macau foods in this blog. For more Hong Kong foods, I have another blog: