Saturday, November 30, 2013


西安市遊- 2013年11月11日
大雁塔當然是必到之處. 個導遊代拍的照片都幾好.

時間許可, 有團友動議遊城牆, 自費RMB60

午飯前去回民街走走, 許看不許吃, 因肚子不合作. D狗頭棗真的好大個, 在香港未見過.

回民街的街頭小食和餐館好多, 西安的泡饃和面食最出名, 這裏有很多, 甚至在街頭做面都有. 你睇褲帶面上面果兩個字真係前所未見, 話只係西安至有, 連字典都冇.

Friday, November 29, 2013


2013年11月11日西安唐樂宮 - 仿唐歌舞

上次去西安所看的仿唐歌舞, 不知所謂, 被我鬧足幾年. 今次可能因為希望低, 反而覺得幾好, 老實說都係一場極視聽之娛的表演, 二百元人民幣足一小時加一杯飲品, 場地就在餃子宴的所在. 食完餃子, 就行過隔離睇表演.

絲綢舞, 比較大路, 勝在視覺效果好.

霓裳羽衣舞, 都算係仿唐的代表作

絲綢和劍舞合而為一, 都係第一次見, 但係幾好睇.


2013年11月11日 西安唐樂宮 餃子宴

最近去過西安一次, 難得地拍得一揖齊全的餃子宴.  先看看菜單如下. 睇吾真, 讓我簡述一吓. 精美八小碟, 蒸餃十二款, 炸餃二款, 烤餃二款, 湯餃, 甜餃, 金銀家常餃, 時果拼盤.  除了湯餃太細少之外, 全部拍照留念.

金銀家常餃 - 可能這碟是銀餃
蒸餃十二款 (1)
蒸餃十二款 (2)
蒸餃十二款 (3) 
蒸餃十二款 (4)
蒸餃十二款 (5)
蒸餃十二款 (6)
蒸餃十二款 (7)
蒸餃十二款 (8)
蒸餃十二款 (9)
這款有點猶疑, 應納入炸抑或是烤? 但烤炸都各有兩款, 這款有可能是金銀家常餃的'金餃'
蒸餃十二款 (10)
蒸餃十二款 (11)
蒸餃十二款 (12)
十二款蒸餃各有不同饀料, 雞豬素都有, 牛羊就吾記得, 有辣有吾辣, 食完幾款之後, 舌頭都麻木了, 再吃不出什麼滋味來. 但師傅用心設計和製作餃子的精神是可取的.

Cantonese Opera Day 2013 - Hong Kong

The annual Cantonese Opera Day in Hong Kong was held yesterday - the last Sunday of every November.  I used to be a volunteer worker for the event.  But as an opera lover, I decided to switch my role to be an audience since last year.  That way I had more time to enjoy the event.

At the Cultural Centre along Tsimshatsui waterfront, there were various events and performance to promote Cantonese Opera.  This year there is a slogan of 'The Young and The Vigorous'.  The performers were very young and even with school boys and girls.  They all do very well.

Here is a snapshot of The Legend of the White Snake.  And the flag show below resembled water flooding when the White and Green Snake trying to rescue the husband of the White Snake.  It was really wonderful and gained plenty of applauses from the audiences.

Well, apart from free shows, I'm glad to see that many young people love and participate in the traditional Canontese opera art and performance. With the beautiful world famous Victoria Harbour as the backdrop, it was a very enjoyable Sunday.

Hong Kong Travel Blog