Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Macau 2009 - Christmas

去過澳門幾百次, 仍然有新意思. 就係跟中旅社去. 吾識路嗎? NO, 因為夠平. 連食宿不過HK$498, 就算加埋50元小費, 仍是很平. 但只有半天行程, 走馬看花. 適逢澳門回歸10周年, 滿街都係人, 幸好胡總之前一天走了, 否則出街就會好吾方便. We've been to Macau so many times, but still find something new. Join tour from China Travel Services. Only HK$498 for hotel, return trip on jetfoil and a buffet, together with transfer and guide. Even with the HK$50 tips, it is still a VERY GOOD deal.

第一站, 旅遊塔. 影吓條新橋, 都幾靚
Outside the Tourist Tower
D團友吾知有靚風景, 我哋一到步, 任影吾嬲!

Downtown Macau. We take photos here every Christmas.
這是懷舊照. 1982-84年間我在澳門做工.
當年的蘭克斯樂變成了雪糕店 - 蒼海桑田!!
The ice cream shop was where I worked 1982-84.
It was the then Rank Xerox showroom.
Portuguese dinner at Little Elephant, Taipa Island
第二天一早, 到訪何生的新店 - 佢雖然在港休養,
但係都賺咗我吾少 The new Hotel Lisboa
的士錢好貴, 13元落旗, 話咁快就要28元落車
NOT Rome, but Fishermen's Wharf, Macau
臨別秋波, 又去福龍吃焗鴨飯, 大家都話好味
VERY delicious Portugues baked duck rice.
但係隻非洲雞都好好食, 比佛笑樓的更好
Very DELICIOUS African chicken

Hong Kong Outing - Macau Christmas 2009

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