Sunday, October 26, 2008

Beijing in Red

香山公園 - Oct 17, 2008
Xiangshan Park (Frangrant Hill)

A red tour in Beijing
We come specially to see the red leaves
Unfortunately, not red enough
this little red tree doesn't look real
It's not easy to find a red tree now
滿園秋色, 不過吾夠紅
I believe the red index is only 3%
人道平分秋色, 看看北京的秋色
but in two weeks time, it should turn 70%
leaves turn red because of the big daily temperature difference
話說我們來早了, 應該再過兩個星期便會滿山紅遍
The whole mountain will turn red by November
其實北京到處都有紅葉, 不過香山最多
Red leaves everywhereXiangshan Park has the most red leaves
Hong Kong Outing - Beijing

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Yuan Ming Yuan 圓明園

圓明園 - 國恥遺蹟
Ruins of The Old Summer Palace

Red leaves at the main entrance
一入門口, 就有紅葉
Beautiful autumn views
Some trees turn red
有D樹變紅, 有D 變黃
some turn yellow, like this one

雖然係廢墟, 但係都幾上鏡
ruins of the palace
can you imagine how magnificent it was?

this arc bridge is an original remain in the garden
European style group of buildings
Italian design
行到腳軟至來到西洋樓, 重要另加15元入場費,
回程又要坐電瓶車每人5元, 因為真係很累

拍膊頭都拍得幾啱, 個人好好心機幫我地影相
十二生肖噴泉遺址, 就在我們後面, 八字排列
the 12 animal fountain used to be here, behind us
We are standing at where the king used to be,
to view the fountain
以為冇嘢睇, 都行咗兩個幾鐘頭
遊完圓明園, 仲要去九門小吃玩玩
Visit the 9-Gate Traditional Snack Street
Hong Kong Outing - Beijing

Summer Palace 頤和園

A classic view in the Summer Palace - Long Corridor 石舫
Another classic view - Marble Boat
影石舫易, 加個人難
Shooting the boat is easy, adding a person is difficult
Rare Stones in the garden
Rare corners, sitting on a door bar - too tired
Another rare corner - Longevity Well
這邊都有紅葉, 不讓香山專美
Notice the red leaves here?
Hong Kong Outing - Beijing

Friday, October 24, 2008

Courtyard Hotel 四合院酒院


Breakfast at the courtyard, very relaxing 庭院細細地,都幾清幽
The garden is very nice
Very traditonal interior design
However the room is not big enough
Very traditional main entrance
Situated in a hutong within the Beijing city
Sitting outside our room
Has to walk for 10 minutes from hutong to main street
Hong Kong Outing - Beijing Courtyard Hotel

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Beijing Food - 北京美食

恭王府四川飯店 Oct 16, 2008
Sichuan Restaurant situation at the Prince Gong Palace is my most favourite Sichuan restaurant in Beijing. The smok duck here is of course the best and one of most beloved Sichuan dish. I come here specifically for the smoke duck. Extremely yummy.
不遠千里而來, 都只為了這兒的樟茶鴨 I come here specifically for the smoke duck. Extremely yummy.
Everyone visiting Beijing should try this dish.
四川飯店樟茶鴨, 味道不同凡響
68元半隻 (RMB68 half duck)

Mafo Tofu - very authentic Sichuan taste

麻婆豆付, 正宗四川風味 - 麻辣夠刺激

Very authentic Sichuan dumplings and dan dan noodle.

龍抄手, 担担面, 好味道

向陽屯 Oct 17, 2008

We are extremely happy eating here. Nice environment, very good food and very economic. Unfortunately the restaurant has no English name. It is located at Haidian District, nearby Summer Palace. RMB170 only for the four of us.

Very traditional classic interior design
鷄絲粉皮 Jelly Noodle with Sliced Chicken
紅燒肉 Stewed Pork 頂瓜瓜, 無得彈
炒茶樹菇 Stir Fried Tea Tree Mushroom
說不出名字, 總之好味 Can't remember dish name
餃子 Beijing Dumplings
睇吓我哋食得幾開心, 忙得不亦樂乎
食咗都吾知碟餸叫什麼, 因為是賈先生點菜的

前門烤鴨店 - Oct 18, 2008
烤鴨 , 普普通通, 凍冰冰, 不滿意
Beijing Rost Duck, average only
RMB68 連鴨湯 (include duck soup)
紅燒肉 Stewed Pork, not bad
街頭小吃 - 煎餅 , 好好味, 熱辣辣
Street side snack, RMB3.5 only. Very yummy.
Wrapped with a crispy inside.
Hong Kong Outing - Beijing